Monday, March 5, 2012

Taking Care of Your Gaming Console ? Things to Watch Out For ...


A gaming console is an important element for enjoying a game on your Wii or Xbox. However, since it is generally used most of the time, a gaming console can be damaged quite easily. If you give importance or value to your console ? which may come at a really steep price, by the way ? you will want to read on and find out about which elements or dangers can make your gaming console highly exposed to damage.


Like computers and laptops, consoles are equipped with fans. The main purpose of these fans is to help keep your console cool by ?fanning? its internal working system. There may be times, however, when the fan may cause harm or danger to your game console. This is because the fan can gather dust and other harmful particles.

If this happens, the game console may overheat or choke, until it eventually dies out.

Another factor that may cause overheating is the use of game console covers when the console is turned on. If you have a game console cover, use it only when the console is not turned on.

To prevent dust and other forms of pollution from accumulating on your console, make sure that you wipe the tray regularly. Most gaming consoles have manuals that indicate instructions about how they can be properly cleaned. Never attempt to open the console on your own, as this might mean more problems.


Overheating is a very common term, especially when you talk about cars.

However, overheating is also highly possible when it comes to game consoles. One of the best examples for this is the original Xbox 360, which automatically stops working once it overheats. The best thing to do to avoid overheating is to make sure that your game console has good ventilation. Make sure that air can circulate around your console. Placing your game console in shaded and cool areas will help a lot. Avoid putting your console in areas where there is carpeting. Likewise, things should not be placed on the console top.

Like most machines and gadgets, when the console is not in use, turn it off so that it can cool down.


Power surges are irritating. They come in the most unexpected times and they can cause a lot of damage to your game console. Sometimes, these power surges can totally destroy your console.
The best way to avoid damage from power surges is to use a surge protector. Plug your console into your surge protector.

Aside from power surges, lightning storms can also damage your game console, and in a pretty much the same level as power surges. To avoid damage, make sure that you unplug your game console during a storm, especially when lightning strikes. Do the same also when there are power surges or power interruption.


One of the most common reasons for game console damage is human mistakes. Your game console is a prized possession, so you must treat it like one:

-Avoid using your console for absurd purposes like reheating a pizza (on the console top).
-Never place your console in the same area where you put your drinks.
-Do not let any unguarded child (or toddler) tinker with your game console.
-If you?re not in a good mood, make sure that your game console is as far from you as possible, so that you won?t get the chance to hit it with a baseball bat or throw your controller at it. You might say that this is a far-fetched idea; however, this can be true, especially for people who easily get into tantrums, or those who are easily angered.

There are also gaming consoles with user manuals that carry information on how to properly care for these important gaming items. Make sure that you read through and understand everything that is written there, so that you won?t have problems keeping them in mind.

The best way to keep your gaming console safe and free from damage is to care for it like your own baby or your own kid brother or sister. Another way is to keep in mind that without the game console, your Xbox, Wii, or your PS3 will be extremely useless.

If you keep these tips in mind, you and your console will have a wonderful relationship that will last for years. In addition, you will be assured many years of fun and exciting gameplay!


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