From the fine article they're getting 0.1% efficiency right now. In other words, about a thousandth. Conveniently, you get about a KW of light per sq meter. So, you get about one watt per square meter. So I could get about 40 watts at noon off my roof, well, other than that tree being in the way which shades me from the summer sun. That is somewhat more than the naysayers claim (barely enough to run a watch, etc) but is not enough to be useful.
Its unlikely they'll exceed the best plants which have had hundreds of millions of years to optimize their design... so figure 5% or so would be quite an achievement. So in Star Trek miracle land, a KW or two is quite possible off a typical roof. Of course in Star Trek miracle land, you'd have 47% efficient cells thus generating about 40 KW. I donno what I'd do with 40 KW laying around, I guess air condition my entire open air backyard, replace my beer fridge with a supermarket open display case so I don't have to waste time opening the door?
The crack about painting it on is laughable. conductive acid rain and bird poop will short it out. You're still going to need glass/plastic/etc and the cost of that will probably make high efficiency silicon more economical.
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